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Kód: 4720
2 650 Kč

Modely jsou neslepené a nenabarvené. V angličtině. Nebezpečí udušení. Nevhodné pro děti mladší 36 měsíců. Obsahuje malé části, které by mohly být spolknuty nebo vdechnuty. Obal není hračka, před použitím hračky ho odstraňte z dosahu dítěte, může způsobit zadušení.

Combat Patrol: Dark Angels is an army in a box, containing all the units you’ll need to field them as the Vengeful Brethren in Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000, or simply to expand your existing collection. This selection of infantry offers a balanced force, with heavy fire support provided by the Hellblasters, line-breaking melee specialists in the form of Bladeguard Veterans, and a solid core of ten Intercessors – all led by a mighty Captain clad in Gravis Armour. You can download a free copy of the Combat Patrol rules on the Warhammer Community website.

This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
- 1x Captain in Gravis Armour
- 3x Bladeguard Veterans
- 5x Hellblasters
- 10x Intercessors
- 2x Dark Angels Primaris Upgrade frames, featuring a variety of shoulder pads and other accessories for your Intercessors
- 3x Dark Angels Transfers Sheets

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