Orghotts Daemonspew

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Kód: 5545
1 549 Kč
Orghotts Daemonspew

Lord of the Icehorn Peak tribes and master of the pox maggoths, Orghotts Daemonspew was born of an unholy union between a Great Unclean One and a human witch. His one and only wish is to claim what he perceives to be his birthright by becoming a true daemon.

This seventy-three piece plastic kit makes one Orghotts Daemonspew riding the pox maggoth, Whippermaw. A mighty Chaos Warrior, Orghotts is clad in corroded Chaos armour and armed with the Rotaxes, a pair of long-handled weapons which are infused with poison. One Citadel 100mm Round Base is included.

Rules for Orghotts Daemonspew can be found in the Warriors of Chaos Warscroll Compendium - alternatively this kit can be assembled as Bloab Rotspawned or Morbidex Twiceborn. 

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