Malign Sorcery

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1 546 Kč
Malign Sorcery

Endless spells are arcane abominations that can be summoned to the battlefield by your Wizards. From unleashing gnashing, disembodied jaws to devour your foes to raising prismatic barricades to protect your flanks, the addition of endless spells introduces a deadly new dimension to your games and offers a number of nuanced strategic options.

This set includes the following 13 endless spells, comprising 17 push fit miniatures, each supplied with their own base:

- 1x Purple Sun of Shyish
- 1x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws
- 1x Suffocating Gravetide
- 1x Quicksilver Swords
- 1x Aethervoid Pendulum
- 1x Chronomantic Cogs
- 1x Burning Head
- 1x Malevolent Maelstrom
- 1x Prismatic Palisade
- 1x Emerald Lifeswarm
- 1x Umbral Spellportal (2 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)
- 1x Soulsnare Shackles (3 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)
- 1x Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh (2 miniatures are used to represent this endless spell)

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